Виборчий омбудсман в україні : перспективна новела для захисту виборчих прав


У статті обґрунтовано важливість інституту виборчого омбудсмана в Україні; визначено підхід іноземних держав до захисту прав людини аналогічними інститутами; проаналізовано пропозиції громадських організацій щодо його започаткування. На основі цього здійснено спробу з'ясувати місце виборчого омбудсмана в суспільстві й державі, визначити його правовий статус, права та обов’язки, критерії добору, основні напрями діяльності та впливу на виборчий процес, а також надано пропозиції щодо поліпшення запропонованої моделі моніторингу. In the article was substantiated the importance of the electoral ombudsman`s institution in Ukraine. This is caused the extremely high number of violations which happen in the electoral district not only on the election day and threaten with the holding criminal responsible, specifically, among their number, bribery, fraud, compulsion voters of election commissions, violence and damage to property of candidates, illegal financing of the campaigning. The same difficult problem for the native appealing system is the absence of sanctions for violations committed by candidates for deputies or parties which have nominated such candidates, also the infrequent cases of their using to other subjects of the electoral process. This evens out the profit from appealing the same violations. The elective offenses should be investigated, and offenders should be hold responsible according to the law. The point of view of foreign states to the protection of human rights by analogous institutes was determined in the article. So the international practice shows besides to the institution the ombudsman so-called "general competence" to protect the rights and freedoms of certain categories of persons are created the specialized ombudsmen`s institutes. The main functions of specialized ombudsmen are to promote more efficient work of the authorities; assistance to citizens in the renewal of rights violated by the authorities; realization of the intermediary function between the public and the authorities; implementation of the function of extrajudicial control. The public organization`s suggestion was analyzed in regard to its launch, although the concept of "the electoral ombudsman" is not used in the valid legislation. Basing of this, an attempt was made to find out the electoral ombudsman`s place in the society and the state, to determine its legal status and its rights and responsibilities, selection criteria, the main directions of activity and influence on the electoral process. At this moment, the electoral legislation calls the official observers from the NGOs as electoral subjects whose powers begin on the day they are registered by the relevant election commission according to the law and are terminated after the election results are established by the Central Election Commission. The wide range of an official observer`s rights from the social organizations is a clear illustration of the possible duplication and competition of the observer`s rights with so-called the electoral ombudsmen. Basing of this, the defects of the proposed monitoring model was identified. Specifically, among their number, there isn`t the normative fixing its rights and obligations, guarantees of activity, acts of responding to the violations, its interaction with the state authorities and the local self-government bodies, the officials, the subjects of the election process too. Therefore, in order to improve the proposed monitoring model, and taking into account the seriousness of intentions regarding the selection and activities of electoral ombudsmen in Ukraine, should be made legal their activities in the near future.

Authors and Affiliations

Катерина Олександрівна Павшук


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Катерина Олександрівна Павшук (2018). Виборчий омбудсман в україні : перспективна новела для захисту виборчих прав. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 83(3), 43-51. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-537186