Влияние термоциклического воздействия на энергетические и прочностные показатели разрушения горных пород
Journal Title: ЗБАГАЧЕННЯ КОРИСНИХ КОПАЛИН - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 69
The article deals with the problems of thermocyclic softening of rocks under various techno-logical methods of application. It is shown that the expansion of wells with a diameter of 0.135 m to 0.5 m with a preliminary weakening of the massif by abrupt cooling leads to a decrease in the energy capacity of the expansion to 3.3 times with an increase in the rate of penetration up to 3.5 times. The sharp cooling by water of the surface layer of a rock heated by friction leads to a de-crease in the hardness of the granodiorite up to 2 times. A comparative analysis of the efficiency of thermocyclic action with plasma-cone and plasma destruction is given. It is shown that cooling in water of highly heated rocks is a significant factor of softening.
Authors and Affiliations
В. Ф. Ганкевич, Ю. Н. Вахалин, О. В. Ливак
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