Voucher Program as a Component of National Policy Reform at the Labor Market
Journal Title: Держава та регіони. Серія: Право - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue
The article analyses the ways of reforming state administration in the area of employment. One of the programs implemented by the Law of Ukraine “On employment” is a voucher program which is supposed to become a component of national policy reform at the labor market. Such concepts as “employment”, “system of professional training of the unemployed”, “voucher program” are explained. The role of professional training is analyzed. Relevancy of the voucher program for people over 45 years of age and necessity of regular update and development of qualitative skills are mentioned. It is mentioned that state policy of employment can be divided in two directions for our purpose: assistance for all unemployed people in their active independent search for the job and employment of employable citizens. It is specified that the development of voucher system should become a component of national policy reform in the area of employment. Voucher program stimulates people over 45 to continue obtaining education, gives the opportunity to fill in the gaps in knowledge or compensate lack in quality of the previous education, decreases educational inequality among generations. The program effectively combines monetization of educational services while maintaining social orientation of the program and increasing of the role of its members in decision-making.With regard to the abovementioned the program is implemented in a complex social environment. We can also add problems in the economy. The internal problems of the program are associated with the imperfection of the legislation as well as existing implementation practices. It is proposed to carry out the reform of the voucher program in three phases. At the first phase it is suggested to focus on the aspects which do not require additional financing. In particular, to improve information about the program, review the procedure for establishing the list of professions in the areas in which we can implement re-training within the framework of the voucher program, as well as provide access to the program of self-employed persons.
Authors and Affiliations
В. В. Юровська, Д. С. Яцкевич
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