Вплив урботехногенних умов на вміст фотосинтетичних пігментів у листках Quercus rubra L.
Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1
To determine the wood species resistance to conditions of air pollution, studies of a number of physiological and biochemical parameters that characterize the plant life state are required. The study of the condition of the Q. rubra pigment system is important for understanding the reaction of plants to the impact of the complex of air pollutants. The purpose of the research was to study the content of photosynthetic pigments in leaves of Q. rubra in conditions of man-made load. The object of research is red oak (Q. rubra). The research was conducted on two sites. Site 1 is located in a non-polluted zone – Botanical Garden of Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University. Site 2 is near the highway with the heavy automobile traffic – 49 400 cars per day in the city of Dnipro. The samples of the leaves were taken in the middle part of the shoots that finished the growth, on the south-eastern side of the crown at a height of 2 m. The pigments were extracted with 100 % acetone, their concentration was determined on a spectrophotometer SF-2000, the content was calculated using the Vettshtein formula. The content of the sum of chlorophylls a and b in the leaves of Q. rubra plants of the control variant (botanical garden) somewhat increased in July with a decrease in August. In leaves of plants, site 2 in June and July, it is almost the same, and in August, as in control, it is smaller. A similar pattern is characteristic for the content of both – chlorophyll a, and b. Environmental pollution negatively affects the content of chlorophyll a+b in Q. rubra leaves. The degree of reduction of the amount of green pigments on the site 2 compared with the control site increases during the vegetation. So, if in June their content on control site is 86,31 %, then in August – 69,12 % in relation to plants from a non-polluted zone. In our study conditions of air pollution affect the decrease of chlorophyll. The drop level of chlorophylls content a and b under the effect of air pollution varies. This is especially noticeable at the end of the growing season. The content of chlorophyll b decreases as compared with the control group by 13,75 % more than chlorophyll a. This is indicated by the ratio of chlorophyll a/b. In leaves of plants on the site 1, it practically does not differ during the vegetation, but for plants in the polluted area this ratio increases from June to August. Its value under the conditions of air pollution exceeds the control group. The content of carotinoids in the leaves of Q. rubra under the conditions of environmental pollution, on the contrary, increases as compared with the control indicators. In conditions of pollution by a complex of pollutants of different chemical nature, the content of chlorophylls (a+b) in leaves of Q. rubra is less than that of plants in a non-polluted zone. Contamination of air has results in increase of the carotenoid content in the leaves of Q. rubra as compared with the control data, which is one of the adaptive reactions of the plants in the conditions of air pollution. Изучены изменения содержания пигментов в листьях дуба красного (Q. rubra) на протяжении вегетации в урботехногенных условиях и в условно чистой зоне (ботанический сад). При загрязнении воздуха аэрополлютантами наблюдается снижение содержания хлорофилла в листьях и повышение каротиноидов относительно контрольных значений.
Authors and Affiliations
Криворучко А. П. Kryvoruchko A. P.
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