Was sollen Lehrer können? Kompetenzantinomien im Lehrerberuf
Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 1
What Skills Should Teachers Have? Antinomies between areas of competence in the teaching profession The teaching profession involves many challenges. It demands a wide spectrum of skills and competencies. These can refer to the teacher’s competence in a certain subject, in certain methods, and in social interaction. These individual areas of competence, however, are all antinomic in relation to each other. Here their distinguishing features are outlined from an anthropological perspective and described in relation to Waldorf education.
Authors and Affiliations
Specyfika relacji interpersonalnej nauczyciel–uczeń w przestrzeni edukacyjnej i wychowawczej
The Specificity of Interpersonal Relationship Teacher–Student in the Education and Upbringing There are very many models of parenting and education. About them they roll continuous discussions. However, there are very i...
Szkoła — uczeń — życie. Współczesne wyzwania, niepokoje i nadzieje
School — Student — Life. Contemporary Challenges, Anxieties and Hopes One of the most important and timeless tasks of the school is preparing the young person to active participate in social and professional life as wel...
Rodzice jako partnerzy procesu rozbudzania dziecięcej aktywności matematycznej
Parents as Partners in the Process of Developing Children’s Mathematical Activity Children learn in a spontaneous and continuous way: when they look at an object, paying more attention to it, or when they notice somethi...
„Lekcje twórczości — twórcze rozwiązywanie problemów w praktyce” dla klas I–III szkół podstawowych we Wrocławiu jako przykład koncepcji rozwijania kompetencji twórczych uczniów edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
“Lessons in Creativity — Creative Problem Solving in Practice” for Classes I–III Primary Schools in Wroclaw as an Example of the Concept of Developing Creative Competences of Pupils’ Early Childhood Education Often, comm...
Spotkanie początkujących nauczycieli z kulturą organizacji a odnajdywanie własnej drogi pedagogicznej
The Meeting of Novice Teachers with the Culture of the Organization and Finding Their Own Way of Teaching The presented text is related to some items of social and institutional work determinants of novice preschool tea...