What’s happening in obstetric anesthesia?
Journal Title: Ege Tıp Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 54, Issue 3
Contemperory medicine has been progressif with new discovers and changes eveyday. As a result of this progression, many diseases can be diagnosed at an early stage this, allowing new choises and options of treatment. Conclusively, we come across more complicated cases withholding more comorbidities, therefore, developmental changes are being seen more often. As soon as pregnancies with additional and serious comorbidities have been included in follow-ups, different problems concerning the obsterician and the anesthsiologist. The complications that will be caused by these problems became one of the most important subjects. Both the obstetric and the anesthesia groups have established new quidelines. In this article, we wanted to establish the grounds in which obsterical changes and technical developments reflect upon obstetric anesthesiology.
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