Wychowanie młodzieży w krakowskich szkołach zawodowych w duchu patriotycznym i obywatelskim (1918–1939)
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2018, Vol 63, Issue 4
Vocational education was one of the most important stages of the educational system in those days, as it is today. In the interwar period vocational education took on a special significance, because with its help efforts were made to pursue specific educational goals aimed at shaping the attitudes that were then in force, defined as civic and patriotic. The analysis presented below shows the educational goals in reference to youth schools (Cracow vocational schools) focused mainly on youth organisations. Among the most important are Polish scouts. A wide organisational movement was developed alongside it, focusing on military and defense issues, touring, tourism, and sport and recreation. The organisational activities carried out within them were aimed at building strictly defined patterns of citizenship and patriotism among the local youth, which could help in defending their own homeland.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Ryszard Ślęczka
Współpraca moja i Wydziału Pedagogicznego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z Uniwersytetem w Kolonii
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