«Жіноча служба Україні» в організації дошкільних закладів на Волині у період Другої світової війни


During World War the Ukrainian population had intensified around the development of a national state on the occupied territory of Western Ukraine. For this purpose, the local Ukrainian authorities had agreed to cooperate with the Nazi occupiers. The cultural and educational societies had resumed their work in Lviv, and their activities had been extended to Volyn.One of these associations was the «Women's Service to Ukraine», which had inherited the organizational foundations, goals and objectives of the previous «Union of Ukrainians», which hadoperated in the interwar period.In the military environment the association hadchanged the name, which has updated the new program of action. The womenʼs movement had covered various sections of civil labor, overcoming the challenges of the war age. The purpose of the study is to integrate the activities of the «Women's Service to Ukraine»according to the introduction of national preschool education and the peculiarities of training of pedagogical staff on the background of the «new order»of the occupation regime.The educational activity of the women's institution with the Volyn population regarding the establishment of kindergartens has been analyzed. For a short period of time, the «Women's Service to Ukraine»had organized several dozen of preschool institutions with the national education system and had provided them with the staff. However, the kindergartens had been seasonal in nature, when the parents had been busy with the agricultural work. Prohibition of the German authorities of the association’s activity had stopped the national women's movement.

Authors and Affiliations

Valentyna Dobrochynska


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How To Cite

Valentyna Dobrochynska (2017). «Жіноча служба Україні» в організації дошкільних закладів на Волині у період Другої світової війни. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(46), 100-104. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-292468