Żona w biografii twórczej artysty. Na marginesie listów Marii z Szetkiewiczów Sienkiewiczowej


The article raises the question whether the writer’s wife could become someone more than a background figure, only remembered when she became a part of her famous husband’s legend. Should she be brought to the foreground even if she has not? The question about the role of the wife appears when we read Maria Szetkiewicz-Sienkiewicz’s letters, compiled and with an introduction penned by Barbara Szargot, who tries to find the source of all these often repeated opinions, which emphasise that Sienkiewicz would not have written The Trilogy without the extensive influence and inspiration of his first wife. The article also puts the matter of the place of biography in the history of literature in a new light.

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Sztachelska


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  • EP ID EP331322
  • DOI 10.18318/wiekxix.2016.24
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How To Cite

Jolanta Sztachelska (2016). Żona w biografii twórczej artysty. Na marginesie listów Marii z Szetkiewiczów Sienkiewiczowej. Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza, 0(), 423-444. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-331322