Журнал «Юность» в последние советские годы.
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
This article studies Yunost magazine published during 1989-1991 and a dialogue between two magazines – Yunost and Krorodil, how they influenced the works of Vasily Aksyonov as well as it considers the value of this author. Yunost was an educational literary magazine for youth. In 1955 Valentin Kataev, master of a “festive prose” (the term was introduced by Viktor Shklovsky), created the Yunost magazine and become the head of it. His team was really great as it included S. Preobrazhensky, the deputy chief editor, who was considered to be a “thunderbolt”, L. Zheleznov (“a right-hand man of Kataev), the executive secretary, “omnipotent” and “legendary” Mary Ozerova, the editor and head of a prose department. The executive secretary, Leopold Zheleznov, whom both Kataev and Polevoy trusted completely; before his work for Yunost, he used to have the same position in Pravda newspaper so this fact can explain the existence of such a term as “leopoldizing the material”. After Zheleznov had completed the work with the text no one was afraid of censorship. As Yunost magazine was subject to the Union of Writers, not to All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, that is why Yunost team paid greater attention to the quality of the works, not only to the accordance with the ideological bent. When Valentin Kataev decided to leave Yunost, Vasily Aksyonov published the novel “Zvyozdny bilet” (Ticket to the Stars) which appealed to the Komsomol readers not to be oriented to the East (to the “virgin soil”) but to the West which was sure to be condemned by Komsomol. The relationships of Yunost and Komsomol deteriorated when Valentin Kataev quitted. But thanks to the novel “Zvyozdny bilet” Vasily Aksyonov became a real idol for the generation of the sixties.
Authors and Affiliations
Н. Н. Карлина
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