MATEMATYCZNY MODEL POLA MAGNESU TRWAŁEGO W SZCZELINIE POWIETRZNEJ MASZYNY ELEKTRYCZNEJ Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Alexander Afanasyev, Alexej Nikolaev Subject(s):
MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE PERMANENT MAGNET FIELD IN THE AIR GAP OF ELECTRICAL MACHINE Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Alexander Afanasyev, Alexej Nikolaev Subject(s):
COOLING AND WARMING OF CLIMATE OF THE EARTH’S NORTHERN HEMISPHERE (ON THE BASIS OF FLUCTUATIONS OF THE OXYGEN ISOTOPE δ18O AND DENDROLOGICAL DATA) Journal title: Miscellanea Geographica - Regional Studies on Development Authors: Jerzy Boryczka, Maria Stopa-Boryczka, Arleta Unton-Pyziołek, Piotr Gieszcz Subject(s):
FUNKCJONALNIE ZORIENTOWANA METODA PROJEKTOWANIA APLIKACJI SPECJALISTYCZNYCH SYSTEMÓW EDUKACYJNYCH I INTELIGENTNYCH Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Anton Mykhailiuk, Andrii Pukach Subject(s):
THE FUNCTIONALLY-ORIENTED METHOD FOR SPECIALIZED EI-SYSTEMS DESIGN APPLICATION Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Anton Mykhailiuk, Andrii Pukach Subject(s):
PROBLEM MODELOWANIA POWSTAWANIA KOALICJI Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Victor Mashkov, Andrzej Smolarz, Volodymyr Lytvynenko Subject(s):
THE PROBLEM OF COALITION FORMATION MODELLING Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Victor Mashkov, Andrzej Smolarz, Volodymyr Lytvynenko Subject(s):
The mTOR signalling pathways in the pathogenesis and treatment of neuroendocrine tumours Journal title: OncoReview Authors: Agnieszka Kolasińska-Ćwikła Subject(s): Medicine, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Oncology, Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
SOURCES OF MODERN RUSSIAN-UKRAINE WAR: DONETSK DIMENSION Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Sztuki Wojennej Authors: Ihor Todorov Subject(s):
Szeptyckiana, a new genus of the feather mite family Pterolichidae (Acari, Astigmata, Pterolichoidea) from the Black-thighed Falconet Microhierax fringillarius (Falconiformes, Falconidae) Journal title: Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia Ser. B Invertebrata Authors: Jacek Dabert , Anna Labrzycka Subject(s):
Leczenie chirurgiczne guzów neuroendokrynnych trzustki Journal title: Gastroenterologia Polska Authors: Tadeusz Popiela, Janusz Legutko, Piotr Szybiński Subject(s):
Evaluation of Operational Reliability in Industrial Sensors Control Systems via Stochastic Petri Nets (SPN) Journal title: RECENT Authors: Konstantin DIMITROV Subject(s):
Types of coalitions in Central and Eastern Europe Journal title: Sfera Politicii Authors: Dana Irina Ioniţă Subject(s):
Tipuri de coaliţii în Europa Centrală și de Est Journal title: Sfera Politicii Authors: Dana Irina Ioniţă Subject(s):
Review of MANETS Using Distributed Public-key Cryptography Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Ms. Rajni , Ms. Reena Subject(s):