A graduate on the local labour market – chances and threats


Paper made by an employment adviser of the Regional Employment Office in Tarnów, a psychologist by profession, shows common attitudes of unemployed graduates. Despair, hopelessness and idleness are main barriers to take up a job. These are psychological consequences of being unemployed, because a job constitutes certain value in itself for everybody. The authoress emphasizes the need of being active and getting to know yourself, your strengths and rules of effective job-hunting, which guarantee achieving professional success by everyone, and especially by a graduate. For young people, their own activity, ability to use professional information and various forms of help offered by the local Employment Office, become a great chance for them on a local labour market. Passiveness, torpidity and lying the responsibility for being unemployed with institutions or with situation of socio-economic transfer occurring in the country become their threat. Thus, only self-involvement in job-hunting becomes a "key" to professional success. This paper also includes statistical data on a condition and structure of unemployment recorded in a REO in Tarnów. Detailed analysis of an unemployment phenomena occurring among young people shows an importance of the problem and necessity to take up appropriate actions.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Borowicz


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How To Cite

Barbara Borowicz (1999). A graduate on the local labour market – chances and threats. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 1(1), 45-57. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-132593