Антонімія в економічній термінолексиці
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 13
In the article the phenomenon of antonymy in the economical terminology is investigated. On the base of analysis of the famous scientists’ views is proved that the phenomenon of antonymy in the economical terminology is inherent not less than an in general literary language, whereas, for science the presence of opposite terms is inwardly necessary phenomenon, which shows a dialectics development of environment. Criteria of antonyms detection in the terminology recognize an opposite terms, using them in the typical syntactic constructions of a mutual opposition, the same sphere of lexical compatibility. It has been determined that in the branch of economic sector there are four types of antonyms: contradictory, contrary, complementary and conversive. According to the author’s observation the most widespread types of antonyms in economic terminology are contradictory and conversive ones. According to the structure antonyms of this branch is divided in lexical (non-cognate) and word building (cognate). As a part of subsystem of economy lexical antonyms are relatively little. It is explained that the phenomenon of antonymy is more characterized for the abstract vocabulary, the appearance of some signs of antonymy among separate units of concrete vocabulary is always accompanies by their subject boundaries relativization. More numerous is the group of word building antonyms, polar meaning of which is expressed with the help of affix morphemes, more often prefixes. Except word building and lexical in the compound of the modern economical sublanguage an antonymy of so-called mixed type was fixed, where antonymic relations are based on the contrasting of the first components of complex words by the similar others. As part of the modern economy sublanguages operates a significant number of phrases antonymous terminologicalized, the most widespread among which are subordinate binomial, less threefold phrases. Sometimes antonyms relations are expressed by the different structure terms.
Authors and Affiliations
С. О. Шестакова
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