«Одиссея» в сознании «неоклассиков» (лирика Н. Гумилева и Н. Зерова)


This article compares the use of the motifs of the Homer’s “Odyssey” in the poetry of the Russian acmeist N. Gumilev and the Ukrainian neoclassic N. Zerov. Lyrical cycles: “The Return of the Odyssey” by N. Gumilev and “The Motives of the Odyssey” by N. Zerov are explored. N. Gumilev and N. Zerov are close historically: their works absorbed the modernist tendencies of the first third of the twentieth century. A common for both authors aesthetic position is asserted: Neoclassicism for both means rethinking of the ancient heritage. These cycles have not only thematic similarities, but also similarities of poetics: the authors significantly deconstruct the original source. However, various artistic tasks are meant. Gumilev explores the consciousness of Odysseus, who is a lyrical hero. Odysseus goes through several stages of comprehension of himself as he approaches the end of the path, which is the beginning of a new path. Zerov, on the other hand, creates a myth of the “second plan”, he actively uses secondary characters, making them lyrical subjects, he connects the verses with the modern times, saturates them with autobiographical realities. If in Zerov’s poems returning home is the highest goal of Odysseus, then in the Gumilev cycle, it is only an intermediate goal. The path of Zerov’s character can be interpreted as the search for a cultural, spiritual “homeland”. Gumilev’s Odyssey looks like a mature existentialist, serving the “God of Alarm”. The ethical vector in Zerov cycle is turned to the collective value, in Gumilev – to the individual-moral one. Both authors express a dialectical attitude to the traditional motives, known since the times of Homer.

Authors and Affiliations

Я. В. Галкина


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  • EP ID EP434225
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-14-38-43
  • Views 123
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How To Cite

Я. В. Галкина (2017). «Одиссея» в сознании «неоклассиков» (лирика Н. Гумилева и Н. Зерова). Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(14), 38-43. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434225