Буддийская легенда в раннем творчестве С.Н. Сергеева-Ценского
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
A variety of modernist search in terms of symbolism, an appeal to the esoteric knowledge and motives reflected the relevance of realistic traditions revision within the framework of which the Russian literature has become known worldwide. At the edge of the 19th – 20th centuries the modernist search in the Russian literature unfolded in accordance with and in cooperation with the pan-European experience, not only foreign writers of the early 20th century but also the Russian ones had a tendency to strive for the East. Here we can find the early Sergei SergeyevTsensky’s work “Avadana. The Buddhist legend”. Obviously, Sergei Sergeyev-Tsensky, like many other prominent literary figures of that time, found the nirvana, the ideas of Buddhism to be an attempt of having a new deep look into “the inner psychological state of being” for a man, of having new non-Christian experience and knowledge. Apparently, the era of axiological relativism which was described by the contemporary authors, the premonition of catastrophic changes, freedom of thoughts, the rejection of individualism were topical. A need for total revaluation of values prevailing in the world was still felt. This process affected both the Russian literature and foreign one, not only the author of “Avadana”, but also the author of “Siddhartha” (1922)
Authors and Affiliations
Н. А. Литвиненко
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