Варіативність мови та мовлення мешканців м. Піттсбург на прикладі вживання лексем «yinz» та «yinzer»


The article deals with the most popular lexical units of Pittsburgh Speech (Philadelphia, the USA) yinz and yinzer and their variations in the frames of the dialect. It is represented the history of the given lexical units and demonstrated their functioning through current examples of the speech of Pittsburgh citizens. The most popular Pittsburgh Speech dialectics are lexical units yinz (You − 2nd person plural) and yinzer (citizen of Pittsburgh). These very words have become the symbols of the city and its citizens. The article demonstrates variation of the oral and written speech of Pittsburgh citizens by examples. The second person plural pronoun yinz has been functioning since the colonial epoch times. The word type which has later become yinz was brought to the USA at first time by immigrants of Scottish and Irish origins. The main function of its usage has not been changed and is to address to two or more people. The pronoun yinz has got new meanings and become the most frequently quoted example of Pittsburgh lexical unit and the most popular one. The word yinz has been appearing at the labels, T-shirts, type supers which show that Yinz are in Steeler Country meant that You are in Pittsburgh. There have been suggested different variants: yunz, yins, you’uns, youns or younz. Today the pronoun yinz has become the meaningful morpheme, so yinz is the denotative element which can be used in a new way, in particular in words Yinzer, Yinzburgh (Pittsburgh). Usage of the lexical unit yinz in the speech of Pittsburgh citizens is being redefined additionally. Along with its usage as a personal pronoun, they can use yinz as an adjective, a prefix or a suffix. In this sense yinz means «related to Pittsburgh» or «typical for Pittsburgh». Yinz is used as a part of the popular toy’s name – Yinz Teddy Bear – the teddy bear dressed in the uniform for fans of the football team «Steelers». Yinz has been appearing in the names of art works. As a prefix or a suffix yinz is used for making such nouns as Yinzburgh or YinzPitt and Yinz Sports (websites related to Pittsburgh). The variation of yinz and yinzer usage are based on its social status. The connection between yinz and its social meanings is fulfilled in the types of Pittsburgh citizens’ activity: in communication, Mass-media, range of souvenirs made and sold in the city. All these emphasize the connection between the lexical unit yinz and local identity by different ways.

Authors and Affiliations

К. В. Вуколова


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  • EP ID EP434164
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-13-184-189
  • Views 119
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How To Cite

К. В. Вуколова (2017). Варіативність мови та мовлення мешканців м. Піттсбург на прикладі вживання лексем «yinz» та «yinzer». Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 184-189. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434164