Словотвірні типи німецьких оказіоналізмів та способи їх відтворення українською мовою (на матеріалі німецької повоєнної літератури)
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 14
The article overviews major word-forming types of nonce words in the German language (or “in German”), analyzes and ascertains main strategies of transferring those into Ukrainian on the basis of the novels “The Hunger Angel” by Herta Müller and “The Tin Drum” by Günter Grass and their translations in Ukrainian. It examines the concept of occasionalism at various stages of the development of linguistics in different linguistic traditions, relying, at the same time, on the works of leading linguists (very good!). In the article, the concepts of occasionalism and neologism are clearly distinguished, the functions of occasionalism and the main ways of their creation are defined. The object of the research is the occasionalisms in the previously mentioned novels and the subject is the word-forming types of German und Ukrainian languages and their special features. The author outlines 248 occasionalisms (1075 pages in general). The types of occasionalism, identified in the corpus, are classified in the article by the word-forming types (such as derivation (sägemeisterlich), compounding (Mundglück) and other (Wersprichthierwennnichtgefragtistundhatnichtszusagennurichichich). The author concludes that the main way of creating new words, especially occasionalisms in the German language, is compounding. The most adequate way to translate occasionalismsinto Ukrainian is by descriptive periphrasis, such as collocations noun + noun, adjective + noun, prepositional conjugation, the transition from one part of speech into another, which is primarily due to the peculiarities of the morphological structure of the languages being analyzed, and the differences in the world of their carriers.
Authors and Affiliations
О. В. Ширяєва
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