Чи може Громадська рада доброчесності бути відповідачем в адміністративному суді? / Can the Public Council for Virtue be a Defendant in Administrative Court?
Journal Title: Журнал східноєвропейського права - Year 2018, Vol 51, Issue
The article is focused on determining the legal status of the Public Council for Virtue (PCV) and taken decisions. The author, on the basis of a grounded analysis, answers the question: whether the Public Council of Virtue is a subject of authoritative powers and whether its activity on providing conclusions about the inconsistency of a judge (candidate for a judge’s position) to the criteria for professional ethics and virtue is the authoritative administrative function. The author of the article has paid particular attention to the practical issue – whether such conclusions can be the subject matter for administrative appeal. Answers to the questions were provided through a systematic analysis of socio-political events, which led to the creation of the PCV, as well as different methods of interpretation of the relevant Articles of the law, were applied. It is this fact, and also the analysis of the purpose of including the PCV into this process and the procedure for its formation, provided by the law, made it possible to conclude that the PCV is not a subject of authoritative powers and does not perform any authoritative administrative function. The author of the article has proved that the PCV is an institution of civil society, which, regardless of the state and its agencies, participates in the procedure for the qualification of judges (candidates for a judge) and does not implement the powers of state authorities in terms of the qualification of judges either on a permanent or on a temporary basis. In this regard, it has been stressed that its opinion taken concerning a judge (candidate for a judge’s position) is not an administrative act (legal act of individual action), which, as a consequence, precludes the possibility of its appeal to an administrative court by a judge (candidate for a position of judge), in relation to which it was taken. Thus, the PCV cannot be the civil defendant in administrative courts.
Authors and Affiliations
Roman Melnyk
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