Comparative method adopted by triangulating models of surfaces for solving the planning tasks on construction site
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 179
The publication describes a method of comparing surfaces given by triangulation models, which is proposed to be used for solving tasks of planning the for construction territory. The proposed approach uses digital elevation model constructed within the specified limits on the basis of the triangulation method. The creation of a combined triangulation grid of both surfaces allows inter- polation of the functions of determining the height markings based on the localization of triangulations in one another. Comparison of functions on separate faces of combined triangulation allows us to determine the difference between surfaces. The method is pro- posed to be used to compare two digital elevation models − "As project" and "Аs built", for determination of two surfaces intersec- tion and for calculation of the earthworks volumes on the construction site.
Authors and Affiliations
T. Honcharenko, V. Mihaylenko
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