Czytanie „Architektury” (1947‒1950) ‒między modernizmem a socrealizmem


ANNA KRUKOWSKA (Wrocław Contemporary Museum) Reading the “Architektura” magazine. Between Modernism and Socialist Realism The text outlines the first four years of activity of „Architektura” magazine (1947–1950). The publications that appeared during the years 1947–1950 can be seen as a lens focusing on the most important problems of Polish architecture at the turn of the 1940s. While reading the first issues of „Architektura” we reproduce unrealised projects, we hypothesise about the direction in which Polish architecture would have developed, had it not been for the Communist regime, or finally, we follow the process of consolidating the Socialist Realist doctrine. Encountering nuances and cracks, invisible from the perspective of textbooks – the change of architectural paradigm – we can see how multi-threaded and progressive was the transition from Modernism to Socialist Realism. This process was due both to the pre-war Modernism as well as the systemic change. Unification of the Party, equivalent to the power takeover by the communists in the state, nationalisation of all sectors of the economy, including architectural studios as well as publishing houses and printing houses, eradication of cooperatives – are only a part of changes without which the political control of such a complex and extensive field of architecture would have been impossible.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Krukowska


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Anna Krukowska (2017). Czytanie „Architektury” (1947‒1950) ‒między modernizmem a socrealizmem. Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 43(1), 78-93.