Ethics of Management in Self-Government Administration Offi ces

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2010, Vol 9, Issue 3


The article discusses very important questions related with ethics of management in selfgovernment administration offices. Ethics (also known as moral philosophy) is a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality and recommending concepts of right behaviour. Actually, the vast majority of scientists present commonly shared opinion, that ethical factors have also a significant influence on self-government administration offices. The presented issues reflects modern attitudes to new public management and the context and crucial areas in which ethical questions now arise. Important element of led analysis was analyzing the process of selection persons on executive managers positions in units of local governments. Argument, which intensifies rank and meaning of undertaken problems is fact, that methodics of occupation this positions is first and the most significant dimension of ethic. The next important premise in favour of legitimacy of conducted empirical research, is calling attention on fact, that decisions taken by managers in these organizations concern public finance, and effect of taken operations have influence not only on functioning these organizations, but first of all, they are perceived by local community.

Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Walczak


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How To Cite

Waldemar Walczak (2010). Ethics of Management in Self-Government Administration Offi ces. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 9(3), 103-112.