Global civil society as a new actor of international relation


The article tackles upon the problem of global civil society, this structure has formed within the national states but now it functions in the international level and it has a number of principal characteristics which make it different from national civil societies. One can distinguish among them following: It has a horizontal vertical structure, there is no any kind of its center and it is aimed to protect human rights and freedom without reference to the national location. The basis which is necessary for the formation of this structure are not only the transformation processes in the system of national civil societies and the output of their functioning on a new level, but it is also connected with the changes that have occurred in the realm of national sovereignty, allowing structures of global civil society rather actively intervene into the aspects relating to the domestic sphere. But they also tackle upon the interests of the entire international community, for example, in the environmental issues. It happens in the form of interaction between public organizations operating internationally with local or national representatives of public bodies for solving a specific problem. This phenomenon is accompanied by limited cooperation permanency in the sphere of problem management specific problem; it is not a kind of systematic cooperation, at least in most cases. Gradually, the structure of global civil society are transformed with the help of modern information and communication tools into informal supervisory body of the planet, it has a capacity to participate in today's political process as an equal actors. But there still exist some outstanding issues: the definition of the legal status of global civil society and a clear delineation of its relationship with the nation-states. It is not possible now, because the dynamics of the creation of additional global civil structures remain relatively high.

Authors and Affiliations

Kateryna Tryma


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How To Cite

Kateryna Tryma (2014). Global civil society as a new actor of international relation. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 4(9), 126-131.