Institutionalization Ukrainian academic sociology (late 70’s. XX century)
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 7
In the article on the basis of previously unpublished sources (archival sources of the Institute of Philosophy NAS of the Soviet period) sociology development of the Soviet years, the X Five Year Plan (second half of 70-ies.) is analyzed. The interest to this period is explained by the actual scientific sociologization of problems of the Institute of Philosophy. In fact, the period is understood by us as extremely successful in terms of sociology institutionalizing. The early difficulties (lack of human resources, theoretical and methodological immaturity, etc.) were decided and fundamental institutional base was laid. In further it will be the base of the Department of sociology, and as a result – the independent academic Institute of Sociology.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Rybschun
Екзистенціальна методологія співвідношення віри та знання за К.Ясперсом
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