„Italská domácnost“. K vzájemným vztahům mezi křesťanskými církvemi na počátku první Československé republiky
Journal Title: Наукові записки Богословсько-історичного науково-дослідного центру імені архімандрита Василія (Проніна) - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue
The aim of the study is to give an outline of relations between selected Christian churches at the beginning of the first Czechoslovak Republic. The core of the paper goes to the period of the first half of the 1920s, when the newly created state underwent a complicated period of its constitution, and before the company opened up the possibility of re-arranging its organization in all areas, including ecclesiastical relations. At this time, the basic ratio between the churches was set. The first part of the study is devoted to the evocation of the situation in the main Christian churches, which was destabilized by the great wave of nationalism, liberalism and secularization of life, referred to as the Czech variant of the so-called cultural struggle, and its product in the form of the reform movement of the Catholic clergy. The result of this wave was the establishment of the Czechoslovak National Church, bringing new impulses into the life of Christian churches, as well as organizational changes and regrouping of relations within the individual churches. These factors influenced relations between Christian churches that are briefly limited by the requirement for the scope of the contribution presented in the second part of the study. In spite of the insufficient reflection of this topic in historiography, relations are characterized as little settled, desirable ecumenical desirability, and mutual understanding.
Authors and Affiliations
Pavel Marek
Сльози Божої Матері як жертви: політична теологія Богородиці у Візантії і східнослов’янських «Русях» в домонгольській епосі (у Київській і Суздальській Русі)
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