Mętlarz, kręciciel, zamięsiciel… – wokół leksemu mąciwoda i jego synonimów

Journal Title: Postscriptum Polonistyczne - Year 2014, Vol 14, Issue 2


The aim of the article is to gather and systematize the synonyms of the lexeme mąciwoda (also the ones that are not used in contemporary Polish language). Each synonym is placed in a more or less capacious semantic field. The semantic differences between synonyms are also analysed in the article. Moreover, the traces of forgotten lexemes in contemporary naming and culture are revealed by the author of the paper.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Kiszka


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How To Cite

Beata Kiszka (2014). Mętlarz, kręciciel, zamięsiciel… – wokół leksemu mąciwoda i jego synonimów. Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 14(2), 355-376. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-166646