Monitoring physical development of the primary urban school pupils according to Pignet's theory

Journal Title: Știința culturii fizice - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 31


Primary children aged between 7 and 10 years are characterized by certain growing and developing features of the whole organism as well as organ systems. In this context, the primary cycle stage is characterized by a series of essential changes in the child’s life: the entourage, the circle of people, new obligations, reduced physical activity. All of these factors, in cumulation, require an intense physiological activity of the entire organ system, so in the period of adaptation to school conditions, increased attention is needed from parents and teachers. Any deviation in the normal development of the locomotor system, particularly attitude deficiencies, should be treated with seriousness.

Authors and Affiliations

Mariana Slimovschi, Aurica Zavalisca


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How To Cite

Mariana Slimovschi, Aurica Zavalisca (2018). Monitoring physical development of the primary urban school pupils according to Pignet's theory. Știința culturii fizice, 2(31), 114-118.