Local government finance in an unstable environment (the case of member cities of the Union of Polish Metropolises)

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 2


 In 2009 the financial situation of Polish local government suffered a significant worsening, and the effects of the economic crisis were felt first of all in the budgets of large cities. This study aims to identify the key ways in which the current economic and financial crisis, as well as the unfavourable systemic changes made by the state to the local financial system in recent years, have affected the financial situation of local authorities. The impact of these factors is examined in terms of local government budgetary revenues, as well as its expenditures, budget balances and debt levels. The analysis is based on the example of 12 of the largest Polish cities, which make up the Union of Polish Metropolises (UMP). The analyses concern the years 2008–2011, and are based among other things on the results of questionnaire surveys of city treasurers conducted by the author in August–December 2012, as well as statistical data on the finances of those local authorities taken from the Local Data Bank (BDL).

Authors and Affiliations

Marzanna Poniatowicz


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How To Cite

Marzanna Poniatowicz (2013).  Local government finance in an unstable environment (the case of member cities of the Union of Polish Metropolises). Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(2), 337-348. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-115882