Stimulating Innovation Activities in the Świętokrzyskie Province Enterprises within the Frames of Regional Economic Specialities
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2012, Vol 10, Issue 1
In the work on updating the Regional Innovation Strategy for the Świętokrzyskie Province, five new regional specialities were indicated. Those include the following: effective use of energy, medical tourism, trade fair and congress organisation, knowledge transfer and design. The first of the specialities mentioned above is most likely to become a motor force in the region by stimulating innovation activities in local enterprises. The advantages of the speciality lie in the leading branch, i.e. power engneering links to subordinate branches. That facilitates the formation of connective innovation, thus boosting innovative processes in enterprises in a supply chain. Additionally, the province’s specialization in the effective use of energy corresponds to development priorities of the European Union stated in the Europe 2020 Strategy.
Authors and Affiliations
Danuta Witczak-Roszkowska
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