Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 16
У статті проаналізовано основні тенденції прямого іноземного інвестування в Україну, визначено їх кількісні параметри. Здійснено оцінку інвестиційної привабливості галузей України на основі модифікованого індексу стану припливу ПІІ. З застосуванням інструментарію економіко-математичного моделювання досліджено вплив галузевого розподілу ПІІ на показники економічного зростання країни. The article analyzes the main tendencies of direct foreign investment in Ukraine, their quantitative parameters are determined. It is determined that at the present stage there is a decrease in the intensity of attraction of direct foreign investments, due to a number of factors of economic and political nature. The analysis of the geographical structure showed that the first five countries-investors account for more than half of the total direct investment, namely: Cyprus (27.1%), the Netherlands (15.8%), the Russian Federation (11.5% ), Great Britain (5.4%) and Virgin Islands (4.5%). The study of sectoral priorities for investing in the national economy has shown that the representatives of the private sector of foreign countries are attracted mainly by highly profitable sectors, in particular, the financial sector and industry, which currently account for about half of the accumulated foreign investment in the country's economy. Moreover, with each passing year, there is a growing differentiation in attracting foreign investment in the area of their investments. The investment attractiveness of Ukrainian industries based on the modified FDI inflow index is estimated, which is calculated as the ratio of the share of the recipient sector in the total volume of foreign investment in the national economy to its share of the industry in the creation of the gross domestic product (GDP), assuming that the industry (or type of economic activities) is relatively attractive and priority if the share of attracted foreign investments equals or exceeds the share of GDP created in this area. The obtained results of the calculated indices of the relative investment attractiveness of the industry confirmed the conclusion that the most intensive investment processes are observed in highly profitable areas, which do not require a significant investment of capital in providing fast returns. Thus, the most attractive for foreign investors is the sphere of financial intermediation, namely banking and insurance activities. The average value of the index of relative attractiveness over 12 years is 5,47. In order to determine the dependence of economic growth indicators on the sectoral distribution of foreign direct investment, a pair correlation-regression analysis was performed. As a factor, the indicator of investment growth in the sectors that are most attractive to foreign investors is selected (%). Dependent variables were selected: the country's GDP growth rate (%), the country's export growth rate (%), the country's import growth rate (%), and the country's unemployment rate (%). According to the results of economic-mathematical modeling it is determined that the greatest influence of the growth of FDI is on the indicators of employment level in the country. At the same time, the influence of foreign investment on the indicator of the GDP growth rate of the country is almost absent, which is explained by the accumulation of investments in high-income sectors, which do not make a significant impact on the modernization of production processes and, consequently, on the significant growth of gross production.
Authors and Affiliations
Н. В. Балабанова, О. Г. Бондаренко
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