Особливості відтворення метафори в процесі художнього перекладу (на матеріалі роману Ф. Скотта Фіцджеральда «Ніч ніжна»)
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 11
Metaphor translation is a part of a great and important problem of historical and stylistic originality rendering that probably dates back to the very origination of the translation theory as an independent branch of science. The topicality of the work is caused by the fact, that a translator is always faced with the problem of metaphor translation, that belongs to the language elements, which indicate possibility of the concepts incomprehensible for another cultures and always pose a challenge in the translation process. The research deals with the theoretical principles of the investigation of metaphor translation peculiarities. Approaches to the determination of the «metaphor» notion are defined; «metaphor» classifications offered by scientists are systematized. It was found out that there are a lot of metaphor classifications depending on the characteristic, assumed as a basis. It was determined that the function of the metaphor must be taking into account in the process of translation; contextual translation must be given consideration. It also should not be forgotten that metaphor is used as a stylistic device. Influence factors for the selection of means of metaphor rendering are specified. The metaphor can be translated by: – full translation; – explication / implication; – substitution; – structure reconstruction; – genie correspondence; – parallel nomination of metaphor basis. Translation transformations are considered to be an integral part of metaphor translation work, and their direct influence on translation adequacy in particular. The translation made by M. Pinchevskyi is colourful and saturated with all possible ways of metaphor translation and complex transformations application. Among them the leading role belongs to the full translation, explication and substitution. In the article S. Ostapenko supports all the abovementioned tools with vivid examples from the text. In conclusion we can say that translation of metaphor sometimes can cause difficulties which are connected with differences in grammar categories of these two languages and cultural principles. To give the right translation of metaphor, it is necessary to find out correctly its function in the sentence and apply the necessary transformations.
Authors and Affiliations
С. А. Остапенко
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