Категорія фазовості в системі актантної функціональності


The article continues the cycle of author’s publications devoted to the analysis of the functional-semantic category of actant distribution of verb’s semantics. This article defines the essence of concept ‘actant division of semantics’. We analysed some functions of adverbial nominal actants stipulated by phase verbal semantics. Different approaches to the interpretation of phase category are considered. The linguistic expression of the phase nature of the process is associated with the specifics and resources of the species category. The linguistic expression of the process’phase nature is associated with the specifics and resources of the species category. The actants generative function is primarily due to the initial phase of the process, the formed quality of the subject, which determines its activity; this function is conditioned by the absolute completion, and instantaneous or repetitive action. The actants cumulative function is related to the relative result of sign’ accumulation or the acquisition of a status that enables it to be generated. It is emphasized on the relative nature of the phase: the verb (lexical-semantic variant) may be in polar positions on the scale of the ʻphase referenceʼ. Phase opposition is the basis for modeling phase cycles. Cycle involves the process of distribution at the stage, which is called the beginning, the continuation of the process and its completeness. The features of the interaction of phase characteristics of the verb with the context are determined. This study shows the most often the adjustment of the phase constant is associated with the sems processes of actualization of redemption, induction, support or modification of the sem. The main types of grammatical polysemy and homonymy of two-verb verbs, verbs of imperfect and proven species, which are based on phase characteristics are analyzed. The emphasis is on the

Authors and Affiliations

Н. В. Лахно


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  • EP ID EP434265
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-14-196-203
  • Views 119
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How To Cite

Н. В. Лахно (2017). Категорія фазовості в системі актантної функціональності. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 2(14), 196-203. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434265