Mandelstam le nietzschéen: une origine créative inattendue


The creation of Osip Mandelstam has a totally unexpected source: as Vladimir Nabokov who followed him in the St. Petersburg school of Prince Tenishev, this Jew, born in the Kingdom of Poland, is Nietzschean. As a teenager, the young Mandelstam comes into contact with the atmosphere of the German creative elitism prevalent in St. Petersburg. His elders, already keen on the philosophical, philological and lyrical messages of Schopenhauer and Wagner, reveal the world of Nietzsche to him. In this article, I demonstrate, as I had previously done for Vladimir Nabokov in Nabokov le nietzschéen (A. Livry, Paris, Hermann, 2010), that Mandelstam became a disciple of Nietzsche’s creativity at the same time as he is become a poet. In his poem that his editors regard as his first composition worthy of being published «Среди лесов, унылых и заброшенных» («In the middle of the sad and neglected forests»), Mandelstam revises all pictures of the last chapters of Also sprach Zarathustra. Even better: it is only by bearing in mind the philosophical poem of Nietzsche that we can understand the verses of Mandelstam and the inspiration that guided him throughout his life.

Authors and Affiliations

А. Livry


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  • EP ID EP433908
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-13-58-67
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How To Cite

А. Livry (2017). Mandelstam le nietzschéen: une origine créative inattendue. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 58-67.