Pathoanatomical diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures at pigs gastroenterocolitis


The reasons of the occurrence of gastroenterocolitis of pigs, their pathomorphological manifestations are being discussed, the schemes of treatment and prophylaxis are offered. The most common factor-related infections in pig breeding are colibacillosis, dysentery and ileitis (proliferative enteropathy). Colibacteriosis occurs from birth to 50–60-day age, and dysentery with ileitis - from 2 to 5–6 months. It was established that the development of gastroenterocolitis is associated with a violation of the balance of the microflora and the reproduction of pathogenic strains of microorganisms, which can lead to the development of colibacteriosis, dysentery and ilite, sometimes – clostridiosis. In the pathoanatomical picture of colibacteriosis erosive gastroenteritis predominates, for dysentery – hemorrhagic colitis, for ileitis – proliferative ilite and colitis, for clostridios – hemorrhagic-necrotic enterocolitis. The analysis of veterinary measures carried out on farms showed a lack of a systematic approach to the treatment of factor infections. This was especially true for small farms, which attracted attention to the limited range of antibiotics, incorrect dosage of drugs, chaotic use of antimicrobial treatments. Experimental authors have compiled a universal preventive scheme for subspigmented piglets and breeding animals of the group that contained measures against gastroenterocolitiss of different etiologies. The work emphasizes the general prevention of diseases of the digestive system: providing animals with balanced quality feeds, improving the conditions for keeping pigs and conducting adequate medical and preventive measures.

Authors and Affiliations

E. V. Iesina, N. M. Tishkina, B. V. Gutyj


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  • EP ID EP294378
  • DOI 10.15421/nvlvet8384
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How To Cite

E. V. Iesina, N. M. Tishkina, B. V. Gutyj (2018). Pathoanatomical diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures at pigs gastroenterocolitis. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 20(83), 429-434.