Performance Based Supplementary Payment System at University Hospitals in Turkey
Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 2
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the performance-based supplementary payment (PBSP) system which is one of the foremost payment systems of university hospitals in Turkey. Method: In this study it is used qualitative analysis methods to explore experienced physicians’ perceptions about the advantages and the disadvantages of PBSP payment system which has been implemented at university hospitals since 2011. The study was carried out by using qualitative research method. Data were collected from semi-structured qualitative interviews with experienced. The study was conducted at a university hospital.Results: The result of the analysis has revealed that PBSP system encourage physicians who would like to receive financial incentives. PBSP system supports the individual performance, reduces waiting times in patients, increases revenues and decreases expenditures and increases in efficiency of department. However, this payment system increases work load, number of examinations and provokes the conflict among personals. Conclusions: University hospitals are academic institutions that perform important missions such as research, medical education and health services provision. Therefore, PBSP system should be revised so as to encourage performing these missions at university hospitals. There is also shortage of financial resources at the university hospitals. This situation leads to less additional payments to physicians.
Authors and Affiliations
Vahit Yiğit
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