Порівняльні еколого-фізіологічні особливості чоловічої репродуктивної системи в умовах стресогенної напруги

Journal Title: Питання біоіндикації та екології - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1


The paper provided a brief description of environmental and physiological characteristics of the male reproductive system in times of stress exposure. Ecological, hygienic and cytochemical methods studied the impact of changes influenced by indicator chelating Zn in semen and fertility of men who contact with anthropogenically polluted air. The study took place in 120 men who were divided into three groups, depending on the habitat of different degrees of air pollution. As a result, the frequency in patospermiy of people living in areas with different ISA (air pollution index): Khortickiy, Dnieper and factory district; morphological features of male ejaculate cells; changes of semen of patients were observed. Besides 60 male sexually mature white rats were studied. Of these, 10 were in a control group, while others were in different ecological districts of Zaporizhzhya (Khortickiy, Dnieper and Manufacturing areas) within 30 days. Medical statistics according to medical cards of people was analyzed for the presence of diseases or infections in recent years. Assessment of andrological status of men underwent clinical method. Laboratory methods determined morphological changes in the cells of men ejaculate in three groups. Rats were inhaling created conditions of technogenic pollution of the air content on the territories with low, medium and high levels of contamination for 30 days. Laboratory method determines the number of cells of the germinal epithelium, Sertoli cells and Leydig cells in the testes. The zinc content in sperm cells was determined by cytochemical analysis via dithizone indicator. Statistical evaluation of the results was performed using the software package Statists Software 6,0 using Student's t – test. Defined by the surveyed spermatogenesis in animals that were in various environmental conditions and chelating Zn content in sperm cells. The study found that men with normal functioning of reproductive system from different ecological districts of Zaporozhye has specificity and characterized by teratospermia, asthenozoospermia, oligozoospermia, azoospermia. In particular, the impact of anthropogenic air pollution reduces the content of Zn which causes a disturbance of male fertility. Zinc has been extensively studied. Its deficiency leads to gonadal dysfunction, decreases testicular weight and causes shrinkage of seminiferous tubules. The functional state of the cells depends on the presence of zinc in them, which is contained in the molecules of essential proteins. Therefore, the main task was to determine the effect of inhalation of contaminated by man-made substances air on the functional ability of male reproductive system. The use of selective dithizone indicator shows that the population in the semen of Zavоdskiу district of the concentration of zinc cations is clearly reduced, than the inhabitants of the district Hortitsky. Experiments on rats revealed that inhalation of polluted atmospheric decreases the zinc content in semen. Ecological and physiological status of the analysis of zinc present in residents of Zaporizhzhya, as well as laboratory animals demonstrated that prolonged intake of air pollutants leads to chronic stress of humans and animals and reduces the content of zinc cations in the cells. В работе представлена краткая характеристика эколого-физиологических особенностей репродуктивной системы мужчин в условиях стресогенного влияния. Исследовали 120 мужчин, которые были разделены на три группы, в зависимости от места проживания с разной степенью загрязнения воздуха: Хортицкий, Днепровский и Заводской районы; исследовались морфологические особенности клеток эякулята мужчин; определялись изменения показателей спермограммы обследованных. Также исследовались 60 самцов белых половозрелых крыс. Из них 10 составили контрольную группу, другие находились на территории, тех же экологических районов г. Запорожье. Определялось состояние сперматогенеза у обследованных животных, находившихся в разных экологических условиях, и содержание хелатообразующего Zn в клетках спермы. Установлено, что репродуктивный статус мужчин с нарушением нормального функционирования их системы из разных экологических районов г. Запорожья не имеет специфичности, а характеризуется тератоспермией, астенозооспермией, олигозооспермией, азооспермией. Влияние антропогенного загрязнения воздуха снижает содержание Zn и, в свою очередь, вызывает нарушение мужской фертильности, что зависит от антропогенной экологической нагрузки на мужской организм.

Authors and Affiliations

Романова М. Д. , Бовт В. Д. , Єщенко Ю. В. Romanova M. D. , Bovt V. D. , Jeshhenko Ju. V.


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How To Cite

Романова М. Д. , Бовт В. Д. , Єщенко Ю. В. Romanova M. D. , Bovt V. D. , Jeshhenko Ju. V. (2017). Порівняльні еколого-фізіологічні особливості чоловічої репродуктивної системи в умовах стресогенної напруги. Питання біоіндикації та екології, 22(1), 171-181. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-303301