Preoperative embolisation in spine/vertebrae tumors
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 2
Introduction. Neoplasmatic tumors within vertebrae column can be a cause of mielopathic changes. They also lead to increased risk of pathological fractions of influenced vertebrae. Both those reasons may proceed to serious neurological complications, such as parestesiae, strength attenuation, sphincters dysfunction or even tetraplaegia.Surgical resection of diseased vertebrae is the first choice treatment. However, due to massive blood supply of tumors, there is a big risk of intraprocedural hemorrhage. Preoperative embolization of highly vascularised tumors is useful before surgery. It enables surgeons to perform procedure, enhances safety and leads to lower blood loss.Aim. To present our experience in preoperative embolization of neoplastic tumors of vertebrae.Material and methods. In 19 patients embolization of highly vascularised tumors was performed. Among the patients there were 26% of women and 74% of men, aged 28 to 74 years.To embolize the pathological vasculature hydrogel microspheres in diameter of 500-1100 μm were used; the amount of embolization agent used for a procedure was between 1 and 3 ampoules.Results. In 52% of patients we achieved totally succesful embolization, in 24% embolization was partial and the other 24% of patients were dismissed from procedure.Conclusions. Preoperative embolization is a good method of preparation for surgical treatment of highly vascularised vertebrae tumors. However, embolization is contraindicated in patients in whom arteriae vital for spinal cord are visible during angiography.
Authors and Affiliations
Klaudia Karska, Katarzyna Wojtal, Monika Miazga, Michał Sojka, Krzysztof Pyra, Tomasz Roman, Magdalena Jarząbek, Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska
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