Психотип трудового емігранта в сучасній українській прозі


The problem of labor migration is very relevant. A lot of works have been devoted to the resettlement of Ukrainians abroad. Many literary explorations of contemporary Ukrainian prose about migrant workers have appeared. Unfortunately, the internal, mental traits of migrant workers have not been studied. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the psychological features of the heroes of the most famous compositions about emigration. The task is to determine the main psychotype images. In the novel “Turtledove’s Nest” by O. Olendia, one can find an uncertainty and complexity, an inferiority become inherent characterological features of the main character of Daryna. In Ukraine, she behaves as a hypertype personality, in Genoa – as a conformal psychotype. Halyna Sergiyivna Mankovich (in the novel “Migrant Workers” by Natalka Dolak) belongs to a sensational psychological type, because she feels badly conflicts with her relatives and her own loneliness. Tasha – the girl of a hypertensive psychotype – perceives all events in life easily and optimistically, with the motivation not only to earn money, but also to know the world better. Sensitive psychotype in “Migrant Workers” is Laryssa, psychologically close to the image of Halyna Sergiyivna. Laura (Larysa) is timid, restrained, patient, honest and sincere, but difficult and tragically experiencing the flirtation of the housekeeper, and then the hostess. Heroine Natalka Snyadanko is more focused on her own sensuality. And the life outside the country gives them a definitive understanding of the “otherness” and definition of sexual orientation. The motivation for moving from Ukraine for Solomia and Christina are the same as for other emigrants – the demand for money. But the life abroad has opened up opportunities for self-knowledge for them. It gives them more freedom, the opportunitiesto escape certain stereotypes, imposed in Ukraine. In the investigated works there are revealed complex personality transformations of the main characters, their sensations and emotional states. The authors of modern migrant prose emphasize their internal experiences, their deep personal tragedy and an attempt to adapt in the new difficult circumstances.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. В. Ніколюк, Н. В. Шкляєва


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  • EP ID EP434249
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-14-135-138
  • Views 118
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How To Cite

Т. В. Ніколюк, Н. В. Шкляєва (2017). Психотип трудового емігранта в сучасній українській прозі. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 135-138. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434249