Public Relations in academic institutions
Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 3
Among modern academic institutions, irrespective of their type and profile, an interest in public relations is noticeably increasing. Academic institutions tend to treat PR more like a public communications specialty, and not merely a function of marketing management. Public Relations, as a process of effective and successful management of confidence in relations between the academic institutions and their environment, become an essential element in the implementation of their strategy of engaging in a dialogue with external stakeholders. The growing complexity of the relations existing between the academic institution and the environment in which it functions, as well as the necessity to effectively manage its relations and improve their quality, increases the significance of Public Relations within the policy of the institution, and redefines its directions, functions and character. The purpose of this article is to present the most vital conditions related to Public Relations established by Polish academic institutions, and the motives which are the reason why these institutions become more active in building relations with their environment, in light of the major trends and problems existing in both the system of higher education and its environment in the broad sense.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Kaczmarczyk
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