Selection of prosthetic reconstruction after endodontic treatment dependent on the amount of tissue loss in patients’ own teeth: A literature review
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2016, Vol 66, Issue 6
Selection of the restoration of endodontically treated teeth may often entail various problems. Depending on the amount of tooth tissue loss we can consider various reconstruction options. The idea that each tooth after the root canal treatment must be rebuilt by post and core and crown fortunately is no longer considered to be the only right solution. The development of dentistry and dental materials science enables us to choose the teeth most conservatvie prosthetic restoration. Besides the amount of tissue loss, we must think about many other factors. These include aesthetic factors, the time elapsed since the endodontic treatment, the patient’s age, occlusion, periodontal status, expectations and financial capabilities. It is also important to consider whether the reconstructed tooth is placed in the full dental arch or if it is the last pillar of the dental arch and also if it is brought into a larger prosthetic restorations. Only after such a thorough analysis, we can choose the most optimal prosthetic reconstruction. The aim of a literature review was to analyse the indications for prosthetic reconstrucion of the endodontically treated teeth, depending on the amount of the tooth tissue loss.
Authors and Affiliations
Aida Konopacka, Hanna Woytoń-Górawska, Danuta Nowakowska
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