Теоретико-правові засади інформаційного простору в екологічній сфері / The Theoretical and Legal Frameworks of Informational Space in Ecological Sphere
Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue 4
This article is devoted to theoretical and legal investigations of informational space in ecological sphere. According to recent analysis, author’s definition, special features of this legal phenomenon and its place and role in ensuring of Ukraine’s state security are given. A general conclusion is made that informational space in ecological sphere accumulates great potential of informational and ecological legal means which call to regulate the relationship between human and environment. Review of the legal bases of informational space in ecological sphere, which consist of numerous normative legal acts of informational and ecological legislation, was done. It indicates the necessity of codification of informative legislation, where the legal providing of informational space in ecological sphere must occupy the main place and can apply for separate head with the analogical title in a corresponding code, where all existing for today and the whole needed for the proper realization of informational ecological legal relations of norm would be accumulated.
Authors and Affiliations
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