The organ by Paweł Ernest Rickert of 1755 at the Piarist Church Of The Gracious Mother Of God and of st. Adalbert of Prague in Łowicz in the context of historical pipe organ renovation, part 2
Journal Title: Notes Muzyczny - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 7
The article is a continuation of the description of the unique organ by Paweł Ernest Rickert installed at the Piarist Church in Łowicz. The 12-stop instrument was built in 1755 and has been preserved in a good condition to this day. Its renovations and modifications throughout the ages only brought minor changes to the original 18th century substance. This proves invaluable in the context of the instrument’s future restoration. The article opens with a chapter moving ahead with the initial listing of the organ made by the author and referring to its pipe material with a detailed description of each register. Subsequent paragraphs touch on the important topic of placing the organ in the circle of reference of similar instruments from that period. What is interesting and unusual for central Poland, it turns out that the instrument was built in the Czech style. Many similar organs can be found in the historical region of Bohemia and Moravia. Some of them are presented in the article for comparison. The last fragment of the article is its author’s concept of Rickert’s organ restoration aimed at bringing the instrument to its former glory and working order so it can be used for concert purposes as well as to accompany everyday liturgies at the church. The concept is based on the principles of the Venice Charter with the use of modern technologies for the conservation and restoration of historical objects. An important aspect of the concept is preserving all the original substance of the instrument and the most genuine reconstruction of missing or changed elements.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Jastrzębski
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