Типологічна характеристика символів у романі П. Бак «Сини»


The article focuses on the symbol and its typological parameters in a work of fiction. The novel «Sons» (Pearl Buck) has been chosen for the study. Linguocultural approach proved necessary, as symbols are multi-notional complex signs that have close connection to culture and history. The attempt has been made to analyze cultural peculiarities of Chinese symbols and their functioning in the novel as well as to consider the reasons for specific cultural load of symbols. According to their genesis, symbols in the novel «Sons» have been grouped into: 1) archetypic; 2) ethnocultural; 3) author’s individual symbols Archetypic symbols (earth) are represented in multiple cultural paradigms. Chinese ethnocultural symbols (Tiger) reveal cultural and cross-cultural messages. Both archetypic and ethnocultural symbols appear to form senses in the novel. Individual symbols create rich imagery of the text, helping to unfold implied senses. The article defines the following semantic types: 1) symbols of nature, subdivided into those representing inanimate and animate nature; 2) color symbols and 3) symbols of the human being and artefacts. Symbols of animate nature are represented by two subcategories: animals (crow, fox) and plants (willow). Color symbols red and black are important for the symbolic system of the novel. According to their function in the text symbols have been divided into three main types: sense-forming, pervasive and situational symbols. The most significant sense-forming symbols in the novel «Sons» are the symbols son and sword. It has been proved that all functional and semantic types of symbols may also be sense-forming, pervasive and limited situational ones, thus performing different functions. Analysis of symbols in the novel «Sons» by P. Buck has revealed a wide network of all their types, they convey the main idea of the work of fiction and constitute the most essential element of the novel’s architectonics.

Authors and Affiliations

О. Б. Івасюта


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  • EP ID EP433906
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-13-51-57
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How To Cite

О. Б. Івасюта (2017). Типологічна характеристика символів у романі П. Бак «Сини». Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 51-57. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-433906