О предыстории статьи Исаки Митико «Ерошенко и Токийская школа слепых»: вступительное слово переводчика
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
It is for the first time, that the research of Ms. Isaki Michiko, a former teacher of the Tokyo Blind School, attended by Vasily Eroshenko (1890–1952), is presented outside of Japan. Eroshenko arrived in Japan on the 27th of April, 1914, and on the 12th of May was already accepted to the school where he stayed as a student till the beginning of July 1916. Translator’s Introduction describes the situation in the mid-2000s, when scholars from the International research group “Vasily Eroshenko and his Epoch” started collaborating with volunteers who were decrypting the periodical of the Tokyo Blind School from Braille – the Magazine “Six Stars’ Light” (Mutsuboshi-no hikari). In 2010–2012 Ms. Isaki Michiko participated in the events devoted to Vasily Eroshenko in Tokyo. She was one of the first scholars we asked to analyze rare and unpublished materials from the archives of the Tokyo Blind School: in particular, “The School Diary” written by Machida Norifumi who was a principal in 1910–1929; a number of extremely rare copies of the Braille “Six Stars’ Light” magazine. The latter contained texts written by Eroshenko: “Fukkatsusai no hi” (“The Day of the Resurrection of Christ”), “Shiritsu Roshia mosukō mōgakkō no jōkyō” (“The situation in the private Moscow Blind School in Russia”) and “Ame ga furu” (“It is Raining”), published in Japanese Braille in 1915–1916, as well as some other publications related to Eroshenko. These fragile documents were produced on rice and braille paper, they miraculously survived the Tokyo earthquake of 1923 and the bombing of Tokyo in 1945. The joint volunteer work of sighted and blind researchers seems to be more developed in Japan than in Ukraine or Russia, however this type of team work has proved to be most effective, especially when we deal with of mixed formats (flat and relief texts, audiobooks, etc.). Ms. Isaki Michiko’s article clarifies a number of inaccurate facts found in the book of the prominent Eroshenko’s biographer Takasugi Ichiro: the date and circumstances of Eroshenko’s arrival in Tokyo, the correspondence between the Tokyo Blind School and the Russian Embassy in Tokyo, and Prof. Nakamura Kiyoo’s patronage. Among other matters discussed in the article are the circumstances of Eroshenko meeting the writer Ujaku Akita at Kishimojin cemetery. The next part of the article deals with the school life of Eroshenko in 1914–1916. The list of discoveries includes a school schedule, concert programs with Eroshenko as a musician, a school sports competitions program and a lecture program with Eroshenko’s talk in Japanese “Shiritsu Roshia mosukō mōgakkō no jōkyō”. Eroshenko’s “It is Raining”, the circumstances of writing, the translation from Esperanto to Japanese, and the publication in the magazines “Mutsuboshi-no hikari” and “Waseda bungaku” are also presented. In the end Ms. Isaki Michiko shares several entries from the unpublished manuscript “The School Diary” by Mr. Machida Norifumi, regarding Vasily Eroshenko’s trip to the island of Hokkaido in the summer of 1915 with the Japanese scholar of Russian culture Prof. Katagami Noburu; the departure of Eroshenko to Siam in early July 1916, and the request to send him his diploma from the Tokyo Blind School.
Authors and Affiliations
Ю. В. Патлань
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