Рассказ И. С. Шмелева «Чужой крови» и тема русско-немецкой межкультурной коммуникации в литературе


The short story Chuzhaya Krov’ (lit. Stranger’s Blood) (1918–1923) by Ivan Shmelyov and the idea of the writer about the Russian and German mentality are discussed in the historical and literary context. The ethnic stereotypes and allusions to various works of Russian literature of the 19th century have been revealed while considering this short story. The story’s protagonist, Ivan, is associated also with the characters of satirical tales by Shmelyov, interpreting the causes and results of the Russian people participating in the revolution. Turning to the historical context of the work, the author interprets Chuzhaya Krov’ as the embodiment of a Russian myth about the consistently prosperous West; Shmelyov’s picture of the German life during the World War I is compared with the image of the same era in the novel of All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. The real situation in the German Army is really far from the one Shmelyov depicts, the Germans are always full and happy in his story. In this aspect, the short story of Chuzhaya Krov’ is in tune with those lines of the epic Solntse mertvykh (1923, tr. as The Sun of the Dead in 1927) or the novel Nyanya iz Moskvy (lit. Nurse from Moscow), which represent the West as the realm of stable and self-satisfied prosperity. It is noteworthy that the story never mentions the military losses of the Germans, as if no one in the village, where Ivan works, got the death notice from the front during 3 years (to compare, in Remarque’s novel all the characters die, including the narrator himself, by the end of the war). In this respect, the short story Chuzhaya Krov’ is the embodiment of the Russian myth of the West knowing no suffering and tragedies and, therefore, it is insufficiently spiritualized.

Authors and Affiliations

С. В. Шешунова


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  • EP ID EP433911
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-13-75-80
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How To Cite

С. В. Шешунова (2017). Рассказ И. С. Шмелева «Чужой крови» и тема русско-немецкой межкультурной коммуникации в литературе. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 75-80. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-433911