Західне етнічне пограниччя під впливом російсько-радянської пропаганди напередодні та в роки Другої світової війни


The research issue peculiarities of wide Russian propaganda among the most Western ethnographic group – Lemkies is revealed in the article. The character and orientation of Russian and Soviet agitation through the social, religious and social movements aimed at supporting Russian identity in the region are traced. Tragic pages during the First World War were Thalrogian prisons for Lemkas, which actually swept Lemkivshchyna through Muscovophilian influences. Agitation for Russian Orthodoxy has provoked frequent cases of sharp conflicts between Lemkas. In general, attempts by moskvophile agitators to impose russian identity on the Orthodox rite were failed. Taking advantage of the complex socio-economic situation of Lemkos, Russian campaigners began to promote moving to the USSR. Another stage of Russian propaganda among Lemkos began with the onset of the Second World War. Throughout the territory of the Galician Lemkivshchyna, Soviet propaganda for resettlement to the USSR began rather quickly. During the dramatic events of the Second World War and the post-war period, despite the outbreaks of the liberation movement, among the Lemkoswere manifestations of political sympathies oriented toward the USSR.

Authors and Affiliations

Igor Lyubchyk


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How To Cite

Igor Lyubchyk (2017). Західне етнічне пограниччя під впливом російсько-радянської пропаганди напередодні та в роки Другої світової війни. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(46), 32-39. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-292455