Physiological Impression on Ojas and its Pathological Glimpse Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Dadhich N.K., Sharma Pooja Subject(s):
Immunology: An Ayurvedic Aspect with reference to Oja and Vyadhikshamatva Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Aniket A Shilwant Subject(s):
A Conceptual Study of Prameha and Its Relevance in Modern era Journal title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Authors: Priyanka ., Mamta Kumari, K.L. Meena Subject(s):
Some estimations of the Łojasiewicz exponent for polynomial mappings on semialgebraic sets / Pewne szacowania wykładnika Łojasiewicza dla odwzorowań wielomianowych na zbiorach semialgebraicznych Journal title: Bulletin de la Société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź, Série: Recherches sur les déformations Authors: Kacper Grzelakowski Subject(s):
VAŽNOST ERGONOMIJE I NJENE SPECIFIČNOSTI U SAOBRAĆAJU Journal title: Stručni bilten - IPI Authors: Zijad Jagodić Subject(s):
E-DARBUOTOJAMS IR E-VADYBININKAMS REIKALINGŲKOMPETENCIJŲ ANALIZĖ Journal title: VADYBA Authors: Ingrida Borisenko, Jurgita Martinkienė, Gintarė Staponaitė Subject(s):
PAKUOTĖS ĮTAKA VARTOTOJŲ APSISPRENDIMUI PIRKTI Journal title: VADYBA Authors: Margarita Išoraitė Subject(s):
A Conceptual study of Vyadhikshamatva in Ayurveda w.s.r. to Immunity Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science And Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) Authors: Dr. Suresh kumar Jat Subject(s):
The iconography of Saint John the Evangelist in the Granada sculpture during Naturalism Journal title: UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte Authors: José Antonio Peinado Guzmán Subject(s): Humanities, Art History , Culture Heritage, Visual and Performing Arts
Evaluación de líneas de café (Coffea arabica L.) en almácigo contra Meloidogyne exigua (Göeldi 1887) en Alajuela, Costa Rica Journal title: Environment & Technology Authors: Roy Artavia-Carmona, Walter Peraza-Padilla Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences
Material didáctico para calcular el pasaporte de perforación y voladura de las excavaciones subterráneas Journal title: Ciencia & Futuro Authors: Luis A. Ramírez-Meléndez, Gianna B. Moya-Rivera Subject(s): Engineering, Social Sciences