Новаторство Д.Х. Лоуренса в женском вопросе


The main idea of the characters in Lawrence’s works is the liberty and rights of women’s movements. His thoughts were directed against the political views existing in Capitalism. Lawrence accepted women as a means of happiness for humanity. His women characters differ greatly from the other characters existing in his time. At first Lawrence was recognized as a working class writer describing the living conditions of the families from London suburbs. But Lawrence is one of the main figures of Modernist literature, differing in his women characters. He is known as a revolutionary power of English Modernist Literature. Lawrence had a negative attitude towards the capitalist society. The spirit of feminism can be seen in D.H. Lawrence’s works. The women characters in his works are strong and free. Such women characters take the central position in his works. Social processes of the modern society, formed social relations are reflected in the attitude towards women. Thus, the place of a woman in the society and her status has been widely discussed in the literature from various perspectives and approaches. A prominent representative of the English literature of the 20th century D.H. Lawrence treated the given problem really carefully. As one of the first representatives of the modernist literature, first of all, he depicted the philosophical perception of a human psychology in his works. Thus, the problem of attitude towards women is also described. Naturally, human psychology, including women, has a complex structure and different qualities. Here, the principle of individual expression is reflected on the everyday family and social relations. At the same time it should be noted that the attitude towards women is particularly interested in moral and ethical terms.

Authors and Affiliations

С. Мамедова


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  • EP ID EP497690
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-11-106-114
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How To Cite

С. Мамедова (2016). Новаторство Д.Х. Лоуренса в женском вопросе. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(11), 106-114. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-497690