«Пушкин – наше все» в современном научном дискурсе.
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 16
The article describes the conceptual approaches of O.V. Bogdanova, S.B. Burago, I.M. Dziuba, L.F. Kiseleva, V.V. Kozhanova, M.K. Mamardashvili, V.B. Musiy, V.I. Novikov, Ye.A. Sverstyuk, E.V. Slinina, I.Ya. Franko, L.G. Frizman T.N. Shemetova, and others to A.S. Pushkin’s role in the literature and culture. Much attention is paid to the controversial semantic content of A. Grigoriev’s aphorism “Pushkin is our everything”. Based on the reception of “riadopolozheniye” (positioning) of a number of research papers by these authors, the dialogical relations between them are interpreted, their complementary and corrective function is proved. Frisman’s “Pushkin Seminary” was described in detail along with M.V. Litovchenko’s thesis “Pushkin Tradition in A.P. Chekhov’s Prose” (2007), which presents “a huge layer of materials of criticism and literary criticism”. It was shown as “Pushkin Seminary” by Frizman, along with the monograph “Modern Look at Russian Literature of the 19th – Middle of the 20th Centuries” by O. Bogdanova, creates conditions for the recipient to specify A. Pushkin’s presence at the metatext of its text in many chapters of the book, but first of all in those where we are reading about A. Chekhov. It is proved that during (“riadopolozheniye”) positioning of the texts of different authors such conditions are created that contribute to the perception of Bogdanov’s vision of Pushkin’s presence in the works of A. Chekhov in the context of the space-time continuum of Chekhov studies. It is noted that the activation of divergent – non-linear – thinking, which is promoted by the method of rationalization of multidimensional research, allows you to capture the diversity of the specific presence of A. Pushkin in the works of writers and to comprehend this unique phenomenon presented in the monograph of O. Bogdanova in the context of modern literary criticism achievements.The expression / formula of A. Grigoriev “Pushkin is our everything” is considered on the basis of the concept of presence, introduced into the scientific circulation by L.F. Kiseleva in the monograph “Pushkin in the world of Russian prose of the 20th century”. The monograph of O.V. Bogdanova and the monograph of L.F. Kiseleva are naturally presented as a literary dilogy: in the first case, it is about the presence of A. Pushkin in the literary process of the late 19th – early 20th centuries, in the second – in the 20th century. On the material of Ukrainian literature – works of I. Franko, S. Burago, I. Dziuba, Ye. Sverstiuk – binary oppositions “Pushkin is our everything” / “Pushkin and our everything” are analyzed. It is proposed for further research to rely along with the existing methods of analysis on the method of “riadopolozheniye” (positioning), reading not only the train of thoughts of each author and his open reaction to others, but also the dialogue of the books themselves.
Authors and Affiliations
Л. К. Оляндэр
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