Взаємодія української діаспори та державної влади в США щодо відзначення Дня незалежності України 22 січня


2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of Ukrainian independence. OnJanuary 22, 1918, the Ukrainian People’s Republic proclaimed its independence by adopting the IV Universal of the Ukrainian Central Rada, although this significant event was «wiped out» from the public consciousness on the territory of Ukraine during the years of the Soviet totalitarian regime. At the same time, January 22 was a crucial event for the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA. This article examines how American Ukrainians interacted with the USA Government institutions regarding the celebration and recognition of the Ukrainian Independence day on January 22. The attention is focused on the activities of ethnic Ukrainians in the United States, directed at the organization of the special celebration of the Ukrainian Independence anniversaries in the US Congress and cities. Drawing from the diaspora press and Congressional Records, this article argues that many members of Congress participated in the observed celebration and expressed kind feelings to the Ukrainian people, recognised their fight for freedom, during the House of Representatives and Senate sessions. Several Congressmen submitted the resolutions in the US Congress urging the President of United States to designate January 22 as «Ukrainian lndependence Day». January 22 was proclaimed Ukrainian Day by the governors of fifteen States and mayors of many cities.

Authors and Affiliations

Halyna Shchyhelska


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  • EP ID EP505421
  • DOI 10.31861/hj2018.47.136-145
  • Views 90
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How To Cite

Halyna Shchyhelska (2018). Взаємодія української діаспори та державної влади в США щодо відзначення Дня незалежності України 22 січня. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 1(47), 136-145. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-505421