Жизнь в свете: дальнейшая судьба героини Сэмюэла Ричардсона
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 13
of continuations, imitations, adaptations and responses that accumulated after its publication in 1740 might therefore appear as inevitable witnesses to the overwhelming impact of the new genre. Richardson’s reasons for producing his own sequel to «Pamela» (usually called «Pamela in Her Exalted Condition» by critics) – from a wish to capitalize on the success of the original to wanting to defend himself against the multiplicity of false sequels that were circulating at the time – position the sequel in a distinct supplementary relation to the original. The continuation is grounded in the material necessities of defense and response. Because Richardson had already established the framework to Pamela’s story and, by the end of 1741, sketched her as a compelling and complicated character, the sequel elaborates the plot by incorporating and linking its elements with the first half; enriches, through multiple correspondents, the characterization; intensifies at particular points the instructive and moral nature of the text and thereby alters significantly the tone of the story as a whole. In «Pamela» Richardson had developed a new kind of domestic fiction from the structure of courtshipcomedy, and in the follow-up (sometimes known as «Pamela-II») he attempts another kind of comedy, in which already familiar characters encounter the problems of married life in the fashionable world. Previously slightly outlined themes of gender relations in the family, the regulation of manners in London and province, the issues of motherhood, woman’s rights, freedom, and the possibility of self-realization are being actualized in «Pamela-II». While Volume I allows for mobility within the social structure for Pamela as long as she is virtuous, Volume II is about redirecting that power back in the domestic sphere of a socially controlled male ordered society. The postmarital parts of «Pamela» deal seriously with a broad range of social issues, centered on the corruption and reform of the aristocracy and the tension between sexuality and social stability. The married Pamela will still have her closet and will still compose letters. But the rise of Pamela’s domesticity after marriage is inextricably linked to her motherhood.
Authors and Affiliations
Н. В. Калиберда
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